ABout The Project
Saxon was considering a standard solar installation for his coffee roasting business before SCE advised him of the issues associated with the many items creating shade on the main roof. This site has large trees to the East and many chimney stacks and telegraph poles to negotiate to avoid shading on the panels. A traditional system of this size would simply not operate under these shading conditions and avoiding the shading would have the system reduced in size by 60%. Saxon wanted the additional system size together with the monitoring and safety systems associated with a Tigo SmartSolar. Pablo and Rusty’s is enjoying average annual kWH savings of 46,235.28.
Project Description
Project: Pablo and Rusty’s Coffee Roasters
Installation date: March 2015
System type: 116 x 260-watt TrinaSmart Smart modules, Fronius ECO 27 Inverter
System size: 30.16kWs
Location: Macquarie Park, NSW
Safety: Tigo DC management system with full optimization and Rapid Shutdown compliance to both systems.