ABout The Project
A 99.94kW system was installed at The Men From Marrs, a global company and a world leader in superstructure cranes and difficult heavy lifting requirements.
Men from Marrs installed the system to reduce their energy costs and to assist with maintaining their very low emissions targets.
The system was designed to maximise The Men From Marrs investment return. This incorporated a $53,025 STC government incentive, given as a point of sale discount, along with the system being eligible for the instant asset tax write off.
Tigo DC management was installed for its additional safety features and rapid shutdown compliance, together with full optimization to mitigate some panel shading from the large cranes stored within the properties.
400watt high yield phono commercial panels were utilised with Tigo optimizers mounted to each panel prior to installation. These were combined with three Fronius 25kW eco inverters and a 15 kW SYMO inverter.
Project Description
Project: The Men From Marr’s
Installation date: September 2020
System type: 242 x 400watt Phono Smart Modules, 3 x Fronius ECO 25kW and 1 x Fronius 15kW SYMO inverters.
System size: 99.94kWs
Location: Sefton NSW
Rebate assistance: $53,025
Annual Production: 154,643kWh per year and 423.7kwh per day
Annual CO2 saved: 126,807kgs per year and 347kg per day
Safety: Tigo DC management system with full optimisation and Rapid Shutdown compliance