ABout The Project
The engineers at Galvatech knew they wanted to reduce they energy costs while the management wanted a green look for the company. This made it a simple decision to go solar although, with the many different power supplies at the site, how to do it correctly was the challenge. In the end it was found that the best way forward was to consolidate their power supplies to one larger MSB and install one individual solar system. On displaying the Tigo SmartSolar and listing the many features coupled with the Rapid Shutdown Compliance, both the engineers and management team knew there was only one system to install. Galvatech is now looking to install commercial batteries together with expanding their SmartSolar solar systems size.
Galvatech is enjoying average annual kWh savings of 61,605.
Project Description
Project: Galvatech
Installation date: October 2018
System type: 118 x 340watt TrinaSmart Smart modules, 2 x Fronius SYMO 15kW Inverter
System size: 36.4kW
Location: Padstow NSW
Rebate assistance: $20,896
Annual Energy Production: 61,605kWh per year and 168.8kWh per day
Annual CO2 saved: 50,520kg per year and 169kg per day
Safety: Tigo DC management system with full optimization and Rapid Shutdown compliance