About the project

  • Client: Viking Imports
  • Category:
Viking Imports reduces waste and energy costs by installing Tigo SmartSolar at their Factory.

ABout The Project

Moving to new larger premises and the onset of a new energy contract, the Managing Director of Viking Imports, Ivan Markovic, was eager to install solar to cut escalating energy costs. Viking Imports also distribute to global retailers who are large environmentalists and require their suppliers to also do their bit for the environment. Both of these points gave a good reason for Viking Imports to install solar. 

Ivan completed his due diligence and found that for a slight increase in his investment, he obtained peace of mind with the most reliable and most technologically advanced solar on the planet. He could be sure his investment gave him maximum returns at all times with SCE Energy Solutions checking his systems weekly.

With the SmartSolar kiosk Viking we’re also able to have a dedicated web page and
reception monitors showing the solar systems performance and images of the installation,
ensuring his customers could easily see the efforts Viking Imports were making to reduce their impact on the environment.

Our 10 years parts and labour warranty was also appealing knowing there was no
additional servicing costs for the next decade, guaranteed.

Project Description

Project: Viking Imports

Installation date: July 2023

Location: Prestons, NSW

System size: 97.92kW

System type: 192 x 510watt TrinaSmart Modules with 1 x Fronius Touro 100kW inverters

Rebate assistance: $37,870

Annual Production: 151,312 kW

Annual CO2 saved: 124,080 kg

Safety: Tigo DC management system with full optimization and Rapid Shutdown compliance to both systems.

Viking Imports » Viking Imports Solar
